Associate Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)

Job Summary

Tenure and Tenure-track Faculty Positions
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Subaru Telescope
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement

Job Description

The Subaru Telescope, an 8.2m optical infrared telescope atop Maunakea in Hawaii, has been in operation since 1999. Subaru Telescope will enter to the new stage “Subaru 2” from 2022. We enforce the observation power of the telescope with PFS, a wide-field multi-object spectrograph with 2,400 optical fibers which will be in operation in 2023, ULTIMATE, a GLAO (Ground Layer Adaptive Optics) assisted near-infrared wide field imager and spectrograph which is now being developed, and other new cutting-edge instruments. It requires a science lead of Subaru Telescope in the era of Subaru 2.

We invite applications for an associate professor position at Subaru Telescope. A successful candidate for this position is expected to: 1) lead the science strategy and future operation and instrumentation plan of the Subaru Telescope from a wide view of science in coordination with science communities; 2) build a strong science team in the observatory to establish the mid to long term science strategy of the Subaru Telescope; and 3) pursue their own research in astronomy and develop the research to wider science field.

The workplace is Hilo, Hawaii or Mitaka, Japan. If the workplace is in Mitaka at first, the successful candidate is expected to move to Hilo in a few years in order to closely collaborate with researchers and engineers at the Hilo base of Subaru Telescope.

Please make sure to visit the following link for details.

Job description - contact
Prof. Michitoshi Yoshida, Director of Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
E-mail: (replace _AT_ with @)

Job application system or other items - contact
E-mail: (replace _AT_ with @)

Application Details

Publication Start Date
2021 Oct 01
Application Deadline
2021 Nov 05